Summer is the best!

Summer is the best!
We point out the worst stuuf that can happen!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Seeing RED: Sore Eyes!

What is sore eyes?
Sore eyes is a common term for an inflammation of the thin covering of the eyeball and the inner eyelid brought about by a viral infection which may be highly contagious.

How does sore eyes spread?
Sore eyes can spread by contact of contaminated hands with the eyes (hand-to-eye contact) or through touching of eyes with hands, which got into contact with contaminated surfaces or objects. It can also spread through droplets from a person with sore eyes, who also has a runny nose or cough.

What are the signs and symptoms of sore eyes?
* Redness of the eye
* Eye discomfort describing as burning or gritty but not sharp
* Vision is usually normal although smearing particular in waking, maybe common.
* Pain on the eye on exposure to light
* Water-like discharge commonly seen but later eyes maybe difficult to open in the morning, glued together
* Runny nose and sore throat maybe present

How long does sore eyes last?
Signs and symptoms of sore eyes will peak in three to four days, and patient will be relieved and recover in about 10 to 14 days.

How do you prevent sore eyes?
* Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
* Do not touch your eyes and face without washing your hands.
* Do not share towels, eyeglasses/ shades and make up.
* Do not reuse handkerchiefs (using a tissue is best).
* Used make-up must be thrown away if the patient has been diagnosed with infectious conjunctivitis.
* Be careful that tips of eye drops or ointments do not touch the eyes or eyelashes.
* Don’t swim (some bacteria and viruses can be spread in the water).
* Avoid shaking hands.
* Disinfect surfaces, doorknobs, counters, elevator buttons, hand rails with dilute bleach solution.
Clothes, towels, pillow cases and anything else which may have come in contact with an infected person should be washed.
What should patients with sore eyes do?
* Frequently wash hands with soap and water.
* Use clean tissue to remove discharge from eyes and wash hands afterwards.
* Dispose used tissue in garbage bins. If the latter is not available, keep tissue in a small plastic bag then discard it as soon as you find a garbage bin.
* To prevent irritation of the eye and possible scarring, do not use contact lens while one has sore eyes.
* Do not wear eye make-up until the problem has been resolved.
* Warm compress may be helpful to relieve discomfort and remove "crust."
* Use antibiotic or antiviral medication only upon prescription by the doctor.
* If drops or an ointment is prescribed, the applicator tip and infected eye must never come in contact with each other.
* Especially for persons with sore eyes with runny nose or cough, stay in a separate room or away from other family members or co-workers.

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